I give you a simple, MAGNIFICENT, BADASS AMERICAN WOMAN…a MOSES of a woman. Unselfish. Steadfast.
Here she is: A general and spy for the Union army…the FIRST woman to lead American troops in battle, a nurse, a suffragette, a conductor that freed countless from bondage…quiet, yet loud. Small, but mighty.
Here she is: Holding a Dead Snake, Scarred, Surrounded by Juneteenth Stars, Guided by stars, and appreciated by Frederick Douglass’ inspiring thoughts.
SHE LED. SHE…an example for all of US. Her work may have started with her fight against slavery, but she carried her work beyond. She was ONE single person. And so are U. It starts with your vote.
And from there, we continue her work—no matter what the terrain. No matter how dark. WE move forward.
The creating of this piece lit me up…I am with gratitude. May you be inspired~*
Note: The text framing Harriet is my paraphrasing from letter written by Frederick Douglass to her, as he remarked that while his work on emancipation was on public display, amid cheers…she toiled in the darkness: my interpretation “Under the midnight sky and silent stars—witnessed by a few trembling, scarred and foot-sore bondmen and women, whom u led out of the house of bondage, and whose heartfelt, ‘God Bless U’ has been ur only reward.’”