Can you
Settle into the soft footsteps of unknowing
A treasure hunt--
Without a map
Can you float--
Resisting the glance ahead?
Breathing deeply
Inhaling the pungent, sweet slippery --
The mossy-ness of now
Moving to a rhythm that beats deeply in your soul,
But faintly,
So that you doubt it is even truly there
And you,
Holding tight,
To keep from falling
To keep from falling
To keep from getting lost in a place with no direction(s)
Can you float--
Knowing that life takes you down a fast moving river
A winding trail,
An old broken footbridge
That is always unfamiliar
That always makes your heart skip a beat--
If you let it
Knowing no matter how hard you try
To mark your way
You cannot go back
You can only stand still or move on
The blessed seduction,
The mystery calls to you
Your heart lit
With possibilities
The uncertainty--
A childish wonder,
Can you feast--
On the deliciousness of the moment?
Of basking in the lightness of life
Believing this is where you belong